Hey friend – thanks for dropping by!
My name is Andreas and I help people turn their macros into a meal plan and build the powerful habit of meal-prep so they become super consistent with their diet.
Let me ask you this:
Do you …
Whether you’ve dieted before, had mixed results, feel confused about nutrition or you’re complety new to eating with purpose aka dieting, I can help you.
On this website I share with you my 10+ years of experience in nutrition, weight lifting and meal prep.
The information here on LPM is basically the knowledge I wish I had when I started out.
Luckily for you I made all the mistakes, took bad diet advice and tried and tested all that overwhelming and conflicting information from the mess called the internet.
Really, I am happy for you that you’ve found your way to my humble homepage.
I don’t have all the answers, but I’ve gone through enough, tried, failed, tried some more, changed some things and evolved that I now have a very clear picture of how things roll.
What I like to do is get a realistic view on dieting, make it effective and doable so you have more time and energy to live a fun life.
You will see me mention burger, pizza, chicken wings, ice cream, pie, beer, other drinks and all the other tasty things. But also how to setup your diet, get your macros and create custom meal plans – while maintaining a social life!
I think when controlled it’s totally cool to have those fun meals. I would even go so far and say that the occasional junk will help you adhere to your diet. Don’t you think you would enjoy a diet more if you could still have fun meals with friends? If you would not feel like an outcast or worse: stop seeing your friends because you are dieting!?
Yes, I am nodding, too!
You will read this many, many times on this blog because it so important:
Find YOUR winning system and do it for as long as you need to.
Keeping your social life intact will immensely help you to be consistent with your diet.
And with consicency comes success.
Imagine a diet that’s so strict – food wise and timing wise – that you can barely eat out with friends or enjoy family gatherings or even breakfast on the weekends.
Feeling like an outcast already?
It’s tough to push yourself and you’ll hate your diet quickly.
That’s not a wining system.
Now envision yourself sitting with friend having coffee and a sweet little something – and you enjoy every bite and sip. Why? Because you’ve taken care of the most important meals, went to the gym and planned spaces in your diet to actually go out and enjoy the time with your friends.
The question marks on your friends eyes will make the treat much more sweeter when you tell them that it’s actually planned and is part of your diet.
I guess you’re pretty sure that you can do this diet a lot longer, if not for ever, right?
That’s a winning system.
Here on LPM you can learn to build your own diet around your life and your goals.
Does it require work and change of old habits?
Yes, no on can expect a different outcome and not making a change.
Ready to make that life change and go on your last diet ever?
If any of that sounds good to you, then you’re in the right place. Let me show you all that I’ve learned over the past 10+ years of meal-prep.
For a jump-start on your journey I highly recommend you grab a copy of my free guide.
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